I need to find abstracts for a Social Work class.
The following abstracts are required for the class:
-Peer review article from social work journal: can be found most easily by searching a subject specific database for social work, i.e SocIndex.
-Peer review article from other discipline: simply select a peer review journal from a disciple other than social work, e.g. nursing, medicine, etc.
-Edited book: this is a book that has different authors for each chapter. If looking though the catalog, books that have no author listed on the main page are often edited works; you can open up the record and check the author there to see if they have editor next to their name. A slightly slower method is to open the book (ebook is easiest) and look at the authors for the individual chapters. If there are different authors for each chapter, the lead author serves as the editor of the book. That is an edited book.
-Non-edited book: Any book that doesn’t have different authors for each chapter of the book.
-Federal web site: Google can be used to find any US governement websites that serve social support, e.g. HUD, Dept of Agriculture (food stamps), etc.
-State Social Work Site: The Florida government offers many social services; simply choose one related to your topic.
Students normally can get the “abstract” for books by using the “notes” text or 'summary' in the catalog if those fields are present, as books normally don’t have abstracts. Students are to include that
as well as write their own brief “abstract” that describes the resource.